Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Landroskop Hike - Feb 2005 (Grabouw area)

On an uncharacteristically cold and misty February weekend - Phil, Maria and myself stood huddled around a fire in the Nuweberg forester's cabin near Grabouw - the starting point of our 2 day hike. The weather was very unsettled and a Cape coldfront is not to be taken lightly, but after leaving our next of kin contact numbers with the park officials, they allowed us on our way.

The start of the Landroskop hike - Phil and Maria setting off into the misty mountains (pretty ericas in the foreground)

As it has been a hot, dry summer for us in the Cape, and with water restrictions in full swing - we thouroughly enjoyed the coolness and mist. In fact we couldn't have wished for better weather under the circumstances. If not worrying about the storm, we'd probably be worried about a runaway fire - and I'd rather take my chances with water! Although the dense mist prevented us from enjoying the views the route offers, it made what passed our ankles seem that much brighter. The Ericas, Brunias and many Geophytes were in full colour and looked spectacular.

In the confusion of the mist we almost walked right past our stone hut which was to be home for the night. Inside we met another party of hikers who had been a little less prepared for the bad weather than we were. In the center of the hut was a large open fireplace - and from the rafters above hung everything they had brought with them - sleepingbags, backpacks, clothes, boots - everything! A waterproof backpack cover is useful, but a black bag does the trick too - always throw an extra one into your pack.

On day 2 we descended down into the valley where the mist passed over above us, and in the clearing we were suddenly aware of being totally surrounded by King Proteas in full flower. As a born and bred Eastern Caper (and any of you who know us know we're pretty proud of the fact) it has taken a while for me to even appreciate fynbos - whereas the true Cape Townian loves the stuff. After this hike I could understand why.

For more information on this Landroskop hut hike and more hikes in the Hottentots Holland and Nuweberg Forestry Station area, visit the Cape Nature website.

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